Pros and cons of living in Spain

19th gen 20
In case you are pondering whether to move to live in Spain, you will find this list of pros and cons of living in Spain a useful addition to yours, or, if you still do not have one, a good place to start with your considerations.
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7 biggest mistakes when moving to Spain

19th gen 20
In this article, you will find the seven biggest mistakes you should avoid if you plan to move to Spain. The list is based on the direct experiences of several expats, including the author of the article, so read through it carefully and prepare yourself to move to Spain in the smoothest possible way.
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Getting a Spanish SIM card for your phone and/or internet without a landline

19th gen 20
If you are not a Spanish resident, you may be wondering what the best options are, on top of the once-costly roaming services. Follow these guidelines, and you should be able to find a Spanish SIM card that perfectly fits your needs in no time.
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Everything you need to know before opening a bank account in Spain

19th gen 20
Opening a bank account in Spain is probably one of the first things you need to do if you want to live in this beautiful south European country. If you take into account the following information, opening a bank account will not only be much less frustrating, but will help you optimise your personal finances.
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Getting your Spanish NIE number

23th gen 20
After moving to Spain, you'll quickly realise that you need a NIE number to be able to do a number of things. Here's the instructions on how to obtain your Spanish NIE number.
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Jobs in Spain for English speakers

23th gen 20
Luckily, Spain is a busy touristic destination, as well as being an open-minded country with high levels of qualified immigration. Let's have a look at the different job opportunities you can find for English speakers in Spain.
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Living in Spain for 6 months with a winter rental

28th gen 20
Moving to Spain for the winter months is an ideal solution for pensioners, digital nomads, freelancers, and anyone else who is not confined - for work or other crucial duties. A winter rental in Spain is the perfect option.
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An introduction to the healthcare system of Spain

28th gen 20
Spain is a country with a long tradition for free, high quality public healthcare. Learn who are covered by the public system and the price level of the private system
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Schools in Spain: what you should know before moving

23th feb 20
Learn about the teaching system of Spain, all the available options regarding school programmes, teaching languages, choosing private or public education etc.
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