Frequently asked questions
Why do i need to pay to view contact details of a property?
We get this question a lot, and we understand why you are confused. Because most people are used to searching directly on real estate agents websites or large portals, and these earn their money from commisions.
We are not a real estate agent. We dont earn any money from commisions. The value we provide, is that we focus on the small niche that is furnished medium to long term rentals in southern Europe, and collect property listings from a bunch of small websites, that is hard to find on your own, and then make it easy for you to navigate all of the offers in one place.
You would likely never have found the property you did without the work we've put into collecting all this data.
You can always cancel your membership in the "Membership" menu item in the "My Account" dropdown in the header.
Unfortunately we are unable to process refunds for subscription renewal payments after the new billing term has begun, as the service has been taken into use. This is a part of our terms and conditions that is accepted during checkout.
If you've been unable to use the service due to a technical issue or you've accidentally signed up for multiple subscriptions, please contact customer support.
Thank you for taking time to let us know about this! Please use the "Report listing" button. It's the one with an exclamation mark on it. If you've paid a 1€ membership fee to view this particular listing which turned out to be invalid, let us know when reporting the listing and we'll refund you.
Kuhamia is a real estate aggregator that is 100% free for landlords and real estate agencies. If your content appear on the website and you do not want your listings featured on our site, we will remove the content promptly at your request. Please send your removal request to and include a link to the listing in question.
If we have multiple of your listings, we'll automatically identify and remove all of them after receiving the request.
You can contact us at We'll do our best to respond to any inquiries within 48 hours.