Cost of living in Valencia is relatively affordable compared to other major Spanish cities such as Madrid or Barcelona. You can expect to pay around 700 euros per month for a one bedroom apartment in the city center. Transportation costs are also reasonable, with a monthly public transport pass costing approximately 40 euros.

Here are some tips to help you get settled into your new home in Valencia:

  • Learn some basic Spanish before you move. This will make everyday tasks such as going to the grocery store much easier.
  • Make sure to register with the local town hall (ayuntamiento) as soon as you arrive. This will allow you to access important services such as healthcare.
  • Join a sports club or take up a hobby such as cooking or painting. This is a great way to meet new people and explore Valencia's vibrant culture.

We hope this guide has been helpful in giving you an overview of what to expect when moving to Valencia. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading!

Spain is a renowned tourist destination for its beautiful beaches, tasty food and rich culture. Valencia is one of Spain's largest cities and is known for being a lively and friendly place. In this guide, we will cover the basics of what you can expect when moving to Valencia including quality of life, prices and some tips.

Valencia has a great climate, with an average temperature of 18 degrees Celsius. The city is also very safe, with a low crime rate. If you're looking for a bustling nightlife scene, Valencia definitely has that too! There are many bars and clubs located throughout the city center.

Cost of living in Valencia is relatively affordable compared to other major Spanish cities such as Madrid or Barcelona. You can expect to pay around 700 euros per month for a one bedroom apartment in the city center. Transportation costs are also reasonable, with a monthly public transport pass costing approximately 40 euros.

Here are some tips to help you get settled into your new home in Valencia:

  • Learn some basic Spanish before you move. This will make everyday tasks such as going to the grocery store much easier.
  • Make sure to register with the local town hall (ayuntamiento) as soon as you arrive. This will allow you to access important services such as healthcare.
  • Join a sports club or take up a hobby such as cooking or painting. This is a great way to meet new people and explore Valencia's vibrant culture.

We hope this guide has helped give you an overview of what to expect when moving to Valencia. If you have any questions or would like more information, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for reading!

Usein Kysytyt Kysymykset

  • Kuinka paljon kiinteistön vuokraaminen maksaa paikassa Valencia?
    Kaikista tällä hetkellä Valencia:ssa olevista kohteistamme vuokra vaihtelee välillä € 210 ja € 25,000 sijainnin, koon ja tilojen mukaan.
  • Kuinka monta pitkäaikaista vuokra-asuntoa on saatavilla kohteessa Valencia?
    Meillä on tällä hetkellä 4698 vuokrattavissa. Näissä meillä on 4402 asuntoja ja 294 huviloita ja rivitaloja. Rekisteröidy hakuagentiksi saadaksesi uudet tiedot sähköpostitse.

Hanki uusia vuokra-asuntoja postilaatikkoosi

Hanki uusia vuokra-asuntoja postilaatikkoosi

Hanki uusia vuokra-asuntoja postilaatikkoosi

valencia, Valencian Community 46980
€ 295 140 neliömetriä

Hanki uusia vuokra-asuntoja postilaatikkoosi

Hanki uusia vuokra-asuntoja postilaatikkoosi

valencia, Valencian Community 46004
€ 535 250 neliömetriä